ljgdfg Bait hive set in 20ft up in Oak tree 13th May 2017 Scouts looking at hive 18th May 19th May, swarm moves in Bringing pollen back to hive 12th June. By removing base you can see comb on the tops of the frames 12th June (1) 16th July. A month later the comb is nearly to the bottom of frame. Time to move them to another larger hive. 21st July.The bait hive was lowered carefully at dusk and moved a few miles to a new site. Larch branches were placed in front to obfuscate the entrance 23rd July. Bringing back pollen to new location. 23rd July. Observed bees removing unwanted drone larvae. 27th July. After setting to new location, the frames are transferred into a Golden hive 27th July . Bees quickly found entrance to new hive