Free Bee

In Early June, I had the opportunity to visit the Lizard peninsula in Cornwall to put up a log hive on a small farm. The fields and hedges were ablaze with wildflowers and so my first impression as a drove down the mile-long rutted track, was this could be a  very good place for bees.

I am very grateful to Senara Wilson Hodges of On the beach productions for making such a beautiful film.

10 thoughts on “Free Bee”

  1. Really enjoyed that video – very informative.
    How critical is the orientation of the entrance? You state SE, my ‘hive in a tree’ entrance is more NE (than east).

    1. Hi Brian,
      Where are you writing from? Here in the UK, having the entrances facing South East means that in the winter and early Spring when daylight is limited, the bees can make the most of the warmth from the sun. They are also sheltered from the prevailing westerly wind and cold air
      Is your hive populated? Can it be moved easily?
      All best,

  2. Dear Matt,

    thank you so much for all you are doing!!!

    Did you see the queenbee at the entrance hole at the end of your video (at 13:24)?


  3. Fantastic. What a wonderful film. I remember seeing on TV a researcher in Africa using logs as hives and suspending them as a way of dealing with marauding elephants. The bees were far better at disuading the elephant than any other kind of system. Bees are incredible. Thankyou for what you are doing to help them (and us) survive.

  4. Just found you via Electric Daisy Flower Farm.
    Love the concept and product. Moving soon so it will be a future project.
    Is it possible that wasps could make a home in a free hive?
    Does having a bee colony reduce the chances of wasps setting up camp?

    1. Hi Ann, Yes it is possible that wasps or hornets can make a home in a log hive. They tend to set up home earlier than bees so I wait until mid-April before I open the entrances of a new hive.
      Wasps, play an important role in the ecosystem eating many of our pests. Having a bee colony will not deter them.

  5. This is wonderful – I want to share with everyone and shout from the tree tops – FREE BEE!

  6. Brilliant.
    I’ve just got a couple of hives with need in.
    Would be good to have a log give or two for them to swarm to.?
    Not many trees tall trees where I am .Can we chat about it?

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